An American Horror Story


I tested positive for Covid-19.

A couple of weeks ago, I was planning to go out of town for one of my girlfriend’s birthday. I was going to be around two of her friends who are married and just recently had a baby so we decided I should take a Covid test just to be on the safe side. I was having slight symptoms, but I thought I had a sinus infection because my eyes were swollen and itchy. Come to find out I did have a sinus infection AND Covid. So obviously, that trip was cancelled.

 From there, everything took a turn for the worse. Almost immediately more symptoms consumed my body. I was practically immobile.

My body ached.

Every muscle in my body felt worn.

I was extremely fatigued.

I had no energy.

I had a fever so bad, my sheets were drenched in sweat.

My cough was so hard my chest tightened to the point it felt like I could not breathe.

I had no appetite.

My taste was gone.

My sense of smell heightened,

And I see why all the toilet paper was sold out back when the pandemic started.

It was the worst feeling in the world. I would not wish it on my worst enemy…okay maybe one…okay I’m sorry that wasn’t right. Forgive me Lord. But no seriously, I felt horrible. The only thing I was able to do was really sleep. When I showered because I had to at some point, I would just stand there in the shower and let the water run over my body and through my hair while I laid against the wall. It felt like a chore. I literally thought I was dying. My cough became so bad I was gasping for air in my bed and thought that it was about to kill me. Sometimes, I coughed so bad, it triggered my gag reflexes and I vomited. I know I can be dramatic, but this was no joke. I started crying and video recorded my last will and testament. I don’t have much but what I do have I wanted my momma to know she could have it and I wanted yall to know there was a guest list for my funeral. I don’t play. For real though, all jokes aside, I really do have a video in my phone of me crying and coughing and telling everyone I love them. It’s so morbid but that’s how I felt at the time. I even mustered up a little strength to drive to the emergency room. I sat in the parking lot for a minute because I was drained from driving and while I was parked, I watched the people walk in and out of the ER and got scared. I didn’t want to go in feeling bad and leave feeling worse or not leave at all. I know how hospitals can be regarding black women and I just freaked myself out. So, I drove back home. I would rather be in the comfort of my own home and bed than in a hospital.

 I tested negative recently but still have a lingering cough, no taste, I am still a little exhausted, headaches and trying to regain my energy from not really moving for so many days. I know that may not seem like I am better but trust it is a major improvement than how I felt before and I lost 21 pounds! Mini blessings! Judge ya momma!

 I have had a few people ask me what I did to help during my process. Yes, I really did have people asking me, I’m not lying! But here are some things that I did when I found out I had Covid.

 1.      Tell the people you have been around you contracted Covid. It may not be the easiest thing to do because we live in a world that’s extremely judgmental, but their health is most important.

2.      Let people help you and be there for you. I am a strong-willed person. I am normally an “I got it” person. But the way I felt having no strength and living alone, I needed people.

3.      Stay hydrated. I drank lots and lots of water, Gatorade, and orange juice.

4.      Move around. The worst thing I could have done was stay in bed and not move for days. Your muscles become stiff. Get up and walk around throughout the day. It will be tough, but it will help your body when you start becoming better.

5.      Take elderberry and zinc. I think these both helped my immune system. I know elderberry helps with easing flu like symptoms and zinc helps with your taste and smell.

6.      Take your time to get better. Don’t rush the process and if you are feeling worse, please go to the hospital. Don’t do like I did and think you can handle it yourself. I may have felt better sooner had I just walked into the ER.

7.      You are not alone. Although this may seem like a lonely experience, especially if you live alone, but you are not. There is a whole network of people willing to help you through this if you let them.

8.      Think positive. Don’t worry about the people that aren’t there. It’s already a lonely experience. The last thing you need to do is scatter your brain about the people that haven’t reached out or been there for you. Instead, focus on the people that are willing to check on your well being and help you get better. Reaffirm that you will get through this. Focus on you because your mental health can also affect your body as well. The more negative things you consume your mind with, the more draining it becomes on your body, therefore stunting your recovery process.

Now I am no doctor or nurse. I just know what helped me and how I made it through and still making it. Everyone’s experience is different. Some people may not have all the symptoms. Some may not have any symptoms at all. It is not a one size fits all virus.  Your best bet is to just get tested if you plan to be around a group of people AND after you have been around a group of people. There are so many places that offer free testing that there is no excuse not to get one done. Here are a couple of the places I know of that offer free testing:




 Or you can visit here to find your state and local places in your areas:


 One last thing. You can contract Covid many ways. I know a lot of places have opened back up and people are frequenting places like the clubs and other places that are close in size. I say do as you please just proceed with caution for your safety and the well being of others. You can get it from the club and being around all of those people, but you can also get it from pumping gas or going to the grocery store. You can have it delivered straight to your door by Shipt, Ubereats, or Amazon without even leaving your home. You may be asymptomatic and not have one symptom, but you may pass it to someone who won’t be that lucky. Wear your masks, disinfect, wash your hands, and please get tested.

Brittany Bennett4 Comments