B. Patrice

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Worth Fighting For

Have you ever experienced something so traumatic you didn’t want to move, get out of bed, talk to anyone, eat, sleep, shower? The most you wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep hoping that one day the nightmare you were experiencing would just be that. How do you get yourself out of that type of depression? How do you move past that experience? Do you ever? 

On November 15, 2016, Dr. Tiffanie Williams life changed when her first-born child, Liam, came and left this earthly realm. Her pregnancy was already difficult and then to experience such a loss, changed her life completely. Falling into a deep depression, it was as if her life had been taken that day as well. So how did she overcome this time in her life?  

She didn’t. 

She simply turned her pain into her purpose. From the pain of losing Liam, she birthed Liam Lives Foundation, Inc., “a faith based, non-profit, charitable organization, which seeks to provide counseling and supportive services to families who have suffered from pregnancy and infant loss due to early miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, neonatal, and post-neonatal death.” Because of her organizations community involvement and bringing awareness to these issues, many women and families have had some type of solace while dealing with their losses.  

Liam Lives Foundation, Inc.

3rd Annual Charity Gala! Get your tickets now!

One may wonder, how does someone with the pain she endured have the capacity to help others with that same pain without continuously inducing pain onto herself?  I wondered the same thing. Although Dr. Williams is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, has provided mental health services for over 9 years and continues to provide counseling services through her practice MasterPeace Counseling Services, she still experiences the pain of her loss 3 years later.  

Masterpeace Counseling Services, LLC

Which prompted the birth of her book, Worth Fighting For

I had the honor of attending Dr. Williams, or how I prefer to call her, Tiffanie’s, book launch on August 3rd. What a blessing it was to be in the presence of so much love and support. You felt it as soon as you walked into the room. Although, many of us already knew what the book was about, hearing Tiffanie read excerpts and answer questions regarding her experience, was as if I was getting to know my friend all of over again. I mean you truly never know someone entirely but with this book Tiffanie made it possible to see inside her heart and her soul. After getting my signed copy, I read her book and could not put it down. It was written in such a meticulous and emotional way that it drew you in. It made you feel like you were right there by her side throughout the entire journey. I mean, I wanted to fight “Brandon” from the beginning till the end of this book! You have to get your copy and read for yourself to know what I am talking about. And when she was having difficulties and then ultimately lost Liam, I cried. I already knew the outcome but this time, I experienced it with her. I was there. I saw what she saw and felt what she felt.  

No matter what you are going through, even if you haven’t experienced a pregnancy loss or know someone who has, this book touches on all aspects of how to deal with trauma and how to get through it.  

Worth Fighting For is definitely worth getting! 

Dr. Tiffanie Williams

Tiffanie and I at her book launch!

Liam’s actual foot!

Get your copy here!

The beautiful author taking photos in front of her banner!

Masterpeace now has an Aromatherapy Collection! Check it out here.